Friday, May 11, 2012

Off to Market... another wake up call

The doona was peeled back.  There was no sunshine greeting my eyes this morning.  The doona got heavier and bed got warmer.  It was then that I realised that the sun hadn't actually come up to warm the world yet, and it was soon to be a beautiful morning.  And the Violet Town market was on!
I was up (but still not moving very quickly).  The pot of porridge nearly boiled over in an eruption screaming WAKE UP MATT!!  Slowly the sun crept up and the bike was wheeled out into the morning (3 degrees... brrr), and thank goodness it did.

The morning kept on improving, the breeze was giving a friendly little nudge in the right direction and the peddles turned over effortlessly.  The world was awake (and by now me too).  Flocks of birds flying all around, a hawk watching all below, cows munching and staring at strange men in lycra, ahh what a morning it was.

With some new tunes keeping me going through the countryside the solo 80kms to meet Soph at Violet Town for the monthly market was the perfect start to the day, rolling hills, quiet roads and some great views.


After a negotiation with Sophs directions to the car it was reward searching time.  Who could go past curried veg and feta spring rolls, freshly cooked up at the market? Not me, I had to go twice!

A sweet ride, complete with honey top up!

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