Sunday, November 27, 2011

A Village Named Datom

Downtown Datom
Datom, a tiny village tucked away in an isolated corner of Jharkhand, India, is where we've found ourselves for the last few weeks.  The reason for being here is to help out some friends who are constructing a health clinic for the region because at the moment, there really isn't much available to the local people.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Fowl Weather On The Search For Sunshine!

Team Chook, ready for anything and covered in feathers... or down jackets
According to every book and travel company we read or spoke to clear skies and amazing snow capped mountain views were in order for our latest venture into the high Himalaya, this time on the eastern side of India in beautiful Sikkim.  However someone forgot to tell the weather gods and things didn't go to plan.  But our spirits remained high, and our hopes were pinned on every bit of clearing sky.

One tired Chook

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

High time for high tea

Loretta and Wally joined us in Darjeeling, and being in the chilly Mountains we decided to warm up with a little cup of Darjeeling tea. Normally high tea is a seriously classy affair, but not so in India...