Monday, September 26, 2011

Who we met this morning: Tibetian grass grandmother

When you travel the people you meet mean so much to you, they add to each adventure something unique, challenge your views and change the way in which you see the world. They add the colour, the laughter, share your best and worst moments and become part of your experience.

So we have started this segment - Who we met this morning, which will be updated regularly as we meet locals and fellow travelers who help to create our experience of India.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Markha Valley

The Markha Valley was the location for our next trek in the Himalaya, and it didn't disappoint!  This one was to be a bit more challenging, both in distance and height, but we were ready.  this time we had 2 maps and a guide book with directions, a big step up from our last jaunt.  However, in typical Indian style, it made no difference what so ever!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Only in India

This post is about all the hilarious and sometimes almost annoying things that happen here, the way the country runs and why every day is a new adventure. It will be updated as time goes on, but for now this is 1 months worth of Only in India:

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Seven words and a few questions

Seven words.  That's all the information we could milk out of the tour agencies about our first high altitude adventure.  They're not so forth coming if you you're not paying for something, but we got our seven words and were ready to take on the 'Baby Trek'!