Yep, its all coming to an end, the packing that is.
After an almighty effort by team Matt and Soph (with the odd bit of outside help) the little shack on Barker Ave is coming to a close.
The rooms are empty, the cupboards are bare, boxes packed, floors cleaned and a house full of echos.
But it hasn’t been without the odd drama or two.
So lets go back a week and see what happened shall we?
The big ship out of all our loot happened last weekend.
The ute and trailer lined up, fine weather organized, muscles recruited at appropriate times (ie lifting the bloody washing machine and fridge) and we were set for a productive weekend. But its seems that not everyone shared our enthusiasm! A certain someones brother who swore he would never help Soph with moving again was secretly lined up. However word must have got out and Tom put his body on the line just to get out of a bit of work breaking his wrist for the third time in three years!! Thanks Tom. But after plenty of lifting and 600kms of driving all our possessions around Victoria our house was now ready for the next stage.... cleaning!! And we were buggered!
So the cleaning up got into full swing at the start of the week, the rubbish was thrown out, the op shop loaded up with new donations and our hiking packs starting to fill with stuff for our trip.... but where is that toilet bag I left out? And where is the folder with our travel docs? Mmmm, they must be in a box somewhere, and there are a lot of boxes, uh oh! Well, looks like another job for the list - Search and Rescue!
The bedroom/ lounge room/ dining room/ office etc |
Cleaning.... how can you make cleaning sound interesting? The simple answer is you can't so why bother trying? I won't, but rest assured we did it like its never been done before, steam cleaners, secret bin filling missions on bin night, and plenty of scrubbing. The place has never looked so clean!
So although we've still got a few sleeps to go until take off the adventure has already begun. We're camped out in the lounge room, having to use other peoples washing machines and have had to invite ourselves out to breaky and dinner because we've got no food left in the house! The preparations are all sorted and we now just have to wait and cull the final bits that won't fit into our packs (a challenge in itself!). So if you happen to see us wandering around looking hungry or in need of something to do feel free to help us out.... you only have to put up with us for a couple more days!
A lonely hat in an empty house!
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