1,2 or 3? I don't really know, and it keeps changing everywhere you go so that the awkward hesitation and second lean in are always present, I'm talking of the European kiss of course, the one you have to give when meeting a friend, and in our case a friends friend.
Always an icecream |
One country will say you only kiss once, another, twice, some three is a must, but others say three is for tourists pushing their luck! There should be a sign there for us foreigners. Some sort of rule. But we've managed to blunder our way around the place, without too much confusion, and its been a great problem to have, it means that we've been meeting heaps of friendly locals who have opened their doors and their arms to us, it has made for a truly authentic experience and its great to see whats actually in all the houses that normally tourists pass by.
When you're thirsty, there's always a beer in Belgium! |
Things so far have had a habit of working out for us (except the summer weather). When we amble blindly through the streets, our destination pops up around the corner just when we want it. When you sit down to dinner, a five piece band starts busking. When we want an icecream, its never far away. When we need to wee but have no coins, there is always an unmanned toilet. But the real sign of good fortune was two days ago, a rest/ washing day, the day Soph really wanted a coloured pencil or texta. Lying on the floor of our friends first storey apartment wind blowing through the window..... and textas, and pencils.... What's going on? It took a while (and a bit of convincing Soph that it wasn't me), but then we found more flying through the window, and discovered little french messages attached to them. Turns out that the teenagers in the second storey apartment across the road were a bit bored, and wanted some attention, and we wanted the pencils they were throwing, good results all round! Lets hope it continues.
When you're hungry, a bbq appears out of nowhere! (note the appearance of lil brother Tyler, he's alive and well) |
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