Thursday, March 29, 2012

Food Food and Mt Buffalo

fffffor crying out loud Matty, get some photos up!
 It may seem like old news now, but the annual Warby Wanderers Mt Buffalo  outing was held again on the long weekend.  To use a famous saying, "a picture speaks a thousand words" here's a few pics from the weekend to sum it all up.  In short, food,  swimming, gossiping, more food and some lounging around.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

A feast for your eyes!

Fear not, the boots are still walking, and the blog posts are set to continue in '2012 The Year of The Good Times'.  They may not be quite as regular, but hopefully they'll still put a smile in your dial.

The great photo round up is drawing to a close, we've got a pile of photos we've printed (yep, old school, we've even got an album!).  Here's a taste of what we've got.  If anyone would like a copy of any of the photos, then just let me know.  So sit back an enjoy, its slower than the last barage!